Peas in Pod
How do YOU stand out? Personal branding is not just important for start-up entrepreneurs and Hollywood stars, but for social workers, too. Creating a brand unique to the work you do and the issues you care about can have a positive impact on shaping your career. Also, social workers who brand themselves well will change the way people view our profession and create a better understanding about the breadth of our work.
In the coming months, The New Social Worker will feature articles by Kristin Battista-Frazee, MSW, marketing professional and author, about how to create your social work brand by leveraging your values and training. Also, Kristin will answer questions submitted about personal branding as it may relate to the challenges you face as a social worker. You can provide your name or submit anonymously.
If you’re doing a great job branding yourself, let us know so we can feature you as a branding star in one of our round-up posts. We see no better way to convey ideas about personal branding than with real-life examples and answering questions to discuss together.
Ask a question or share your brand today.
Posts will be published the first and third Wednesday of every month. Here are some topics you can look forward to, and feel free to make suggestions.
- Are you a social media introvert?
- The importance of being yourself
- Using social media while in clinical practice
- Round-up of social worker branding stars
- Social media tips social workers can use from famous people
- Personal branding and private practice
- Kick off the new year to renew your personal brand
Whether it’s a deliberate process or not, everyone has a brand. How people perceive you and your social work expertise will have a direct impact on your ability to stand out and identify the right opportunities for you. We look forward to delving into this topic and surfacing thoughtful approaches about how to create your social work brand.
Feel free to also share resources or ask questions on our hashtag #YourSWBrand. To get you started, read Kristin’s latest article in Social Work Today, Social Workers Can Create Buzz About Their Profession and the Personal Branding presentation from the Network for Social Work Management’s Emerging Leadership Institute. You can visit her website and follow Kristin on Twitter.