Self-Care Day
by Erlene Grise-Owens, Ed.D., LCSW, MSW, MRE, lead co-editor of The A-to-Z Self-Care Handbook for Social Workers and Other Helping Professionals
Did you know July 24th is International Self-Care Day!? Here’s the background and a CHALLENGE for you and your colleagues to participate and promote Self-Care is for Life!
The Scoop
International Self-Care Day was initiated in 2011 by the International Foundation for Self-Care to promote “a focus and opportunity to raise the profile of healthy life-style self-care programmes around the world.” Selecting July 24th “symbolizes that benefits of self-care are experienced 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!” Self-care is life-long, not just one day. This year’s theme is Self-Care is for Life!
The Challenge
As a part of The New Social Worker’s self-care summer, we invite you to a Self-Care Day Challenge! On July 24th, we challenge all of us to engage in self-care in at least 24 ways! Invite your colleagues to participate! Share this challenge with your organization and other networks. Here is a previous blog post on low-cost self-care to spark ideas. Also, here’s my preliminary planning list.
- Take some deep breaths.
- Delete something from my to-do list.
- Hydrate! Drink water.
- Stop to smell the roses.
- Do some yoga stretches.
- Sleep, nap, rest. (Bed before 11; sleep for at least 7 hours: zzzz-Heaven!)
- Express gratitude (out loud or written).
- Make a personal care appointment I’ve been delaying—medical, financial planning, therapy, trainer, etc.
- Close office door and just sit, enjoying my view.
- Do lunch with someone I like.
- Have mindful moments. Practice being present during daily tasks, meals, etc.
- Just say a firm “No” to at least one person’s request.
- Just say an exuberant “Yes” at least once to what I want.
- Do a “drudge” task I’ve been avoiding, e.g., clean out email, car, or other area.
- Read or listen to something spiritual/religious/inspiring.
- Prepare a healthy meal.
- Ask for help.
- Journal about what really matters.
- Sign up for a continuing education offering.
- Walk in nature.
- Sing, dance, jump around.
- Hugs!
- Consult with trusted colleague(s) about a stressful work issue.
- Update my SMART self-care plan to Re-set and Re-commit for self-care as a lifestyle.
Share your ideas. And let us know how your challenge goes in the comments below! Happy International Self-Care Day! Self-Care is for Life!
Peace, Love, & Self-Care,
Dr. Erlene Grise-Owens, Ed.D., LCSW, MSW, MRE, is a Partner in The Wellness Group, ETC. This LLC provides evaluation, training, and consultation for organizational wellness and practitioner well-being. Dr. Grise-Owens is lead editor of The A-to-Z Self-Care Handbook for Social Workers and Other Helping Professionals. As a former faculty member and graduate program director, she and a small (but mighty!) group of colleagues implemented an initiative to promote self-care as part of the social work education curriculum. Previously, she served in clinical and administrative roles. She has experience with navigating toxicity and dysfunction, up-close and personal! Likewise, as an educator, she saw students enter the field and quickly burn out. As a dedicated social worker, she believes the well-being of practitioners is a matter of social justice and human rights. Thus, she is on a mission to promote self-care and wellness!