Do you have a tip for social work grad school applicants or for current social work grad students? Is there something specific that you would like to share that helped you get in or succeed in grad school? Please consider contributing to our grad school tips series.
We are looking for short (100-400 words) tips to help future or current social work grad students to succeed. They can focus on an aspect of the application process or an aspect of the educational process once accepted. Tips should focus on something that had a positive impact on your or your students' application and/or educational process.
Please follow these guidelines:
- Please send ONE tip only. Send it as a Word attachment to an e-mail.
- In the attachment, include a title, tip, your name, social work credentials, a 1-sentence bio, and your contact information. Also, include this statement: This submission has not been published elsewhere, is not under consideration elsewhere, and is being submitted exclusively to The New Social Worker.
- Send to Linda Grobman, editor. In e-mail subject line, include "grad school tip" and a brief description of your topic.
Contribute Your Social Work Graduate School Question!
We are also looking for questions applicants have about getting into social work graduate school. If you are currently applying to social work graduate school, or have recently applied, let us know your top question(s). Please follow these guidelines:
- Please send ONE question only. Send it as a Word attachment to an e-mail.
- Include your name, social work credentials (degree, student status, or applicant status), e-mail address/contact information, and a brief bio, in addition to your question, within the content of the attachment. Submissions should be no more than 200 words in length. Also, include this statement: This submission has not been published elsewhere, is not under consideration elsewhere, and is being submitted exclusively to The New Social Worker.
- Please send your question to Linda Grobman. Include in the e-mail subject line: "Submission--Grad School Question."
We will consider all submissions received by September 5, 2014, that follow the above guidelines. We will contact you if your tip or question is chosen for publication.
Thank you!