The Social Worker
I recently heard from Edd Donovan, a social worker and singer/songwriter whose songs are inspired by his work in mental health. One such song is "The Social Worker":
The minimal production on this song allows the social worker to draw depth and clearly express the personal experiences of serving as a practitioner in the mental health field of social work. The dilemma that is mused upon in the chorus is a familiar challenge within the social work profession as a whole.
The song laments, "Damned if I do, damned if I don't, damned if I will, damned if I won't." Does this sentiment sound familiar to you, as a social worker?
The song is from Cheltenham based, contemporary folk act Edd Donovan and The Wandering Moles' first EP, House on Fire/Social Worker, released on April 7. For more information about Edd Donovan and his music, to listen to more of his songs, and to watch his videos, see or