Social Work Month 2017
March is Social Work Month
Submit Your Entry for THE NEW SOCIAL WORKER’s
Social Work Month Project 2017!
Deadline: January 16, 2017
The New Social Worker is seeking submissions from social work practitioners, educators, and students for Social Work Month 2017. Please consider submitting your work for The New Social Worker magazine’s online Social Work Month Project.
We invite you to submit a creative work that presents a positive view of social work on the micro, mezzo, and/or macro level. These can be, for example, writings or videos on what you like best about your social work career, the best/most important thing you've learned as a social worker and how you learned it, a moment in your career that inspired you, what you see as the main purpose of social work, dispelling myths about social work, social work ethics/values (for example, choose one of the core values in the NASW Code of Ethics), a story about social work, or your favorite area of social work practice. Don't limit yourself to these ideas, though. Use your imagination!
Submissions may be in the form of:
Essay/creative writing (no more than 500 words) • Video • Memes • Other creative work
Works that are accepted will be published on The New Social Worker website during March 2017 and may also appear on our various social media channels, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and in our publications.
Be creative! When you send your submission, please put in the email subject line “Submission: Social Work Month 2017” and the topic (the core value you have chosen, or other topic you have chosen) and type of submission. Also, state what you are submitting, your name, and your social work credentials in the submission email. If you are submitting a recording, please include text to accompany it (e.g., a short paragraph to be published with a video or song). Please include a 1-sentence bio at the end of your submission and (optionally) a photo of yourself to be published with your work.
Also, please include the statement, “I grant The New Social Worker/White Hat Communications permission to publish this work and understand it may be published on its websites, on its social media channels, and/or in its publications.”
Before you send your submission, make sure it is the best it can be! Proofread, make corrections, and edit. It can be helpful to have someone look at your work and give you feedback.
Please email your submission to Linda Grobman no later than January 16, 2017. For essay submissions, attach your essay to your email as a Word document. In the Word document, include: title of your essay, your name, social work credentials (degree, license, school, etc.), text of your essay, and your short bio. For videos, please upload your video to YouTube or to a DropBox or similar service, and email the link to Linda Grobman. Include in the email: title of your video, your name, social work credentials, 1-paragraph description of your video, and your short bio. If you would like to include a photo of yourself, attach it to your email as a JPG file.
Please pass this call for submissions along to others who may be interested.
Submissions that do not follow the above instructions will not be considered. Entries must be received by January 16, 2017.
Thank you!
Submissions are now closed for Social Work Month 2017.