by Michael Barnes
When I grow up, I’ll make a change
Developing a career seemed easy to arrange
At the age of five I told my mom that I wanted to be a lawyer
Unknowingly, I had reflected what my parents thought would be a dream employer
It wasn't until college that I found out
What real world problems and issues are all about
That’s when I met my first social worker and with great amaze
I discovered that social work was for me, not in the future, but that day!
So I researched the profession and my knowledge bank grew
So large that I decided to begin school again and take classes anew
Graduate courses that taught me the history, skills, and know-how of the job
Knowledge that would allow for my clients to slam-dunk my motivational lob
Although I’m in my final semester of graduate school and my decision to pursue social work was way back when
I stand unblemished, as my career has allowed innumerable individuals, groups, and families to win.
Michael Barnes will graduate in May 2015 with his MSW from Florida State University. He is a graduate research assistant and is interested in providing therapy and advocacy to veterans experiencing readjustment and stability issues that lead to homelessness.